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That do not contain bacterial remnants of plasmid DNA.MethodsVector construction
That do not contain bacterial remnants of plasmid DNA.MethodsVector construction The HIV-1-derived Flp substrate vector, pLV/FRT-hygro, was generated by replacing the eGFP gene (BamHI/XhoI digestion) of the third generation SIN-vector pCCL.WPS.PGK-eGFP.WHV (a PubMed ID: kind gift from Dr. Patrick Aebischer, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland) with the puromycin resistance gene, PCR-amplified from pT/PGK-Puro [12] (creating pCCL.WPS.PGK-Puro.WHV), followed by insertion of the ATG-deficient FRT-hygro fusion gene (PCR-amplified from pcDNA5/FRT, Invitrogen) into the HpaI site located upstream of the cPPT The SB-based docking vector, pSBT/ RSV-FGIP, was generated by amplifying the eGFP sequence (from peGFP.N1, Clontech) using a forward primer containing the 48-bp FRT sequence and inserting the resulting FRT.GFP fusion gene into MluI/XmaIdigested pSBT/RSV-hAAT [12] (generating pSBT/RSVFRT.GFP) prior to insertion of an IRES-puro cassette (PCR-amplified from pecoenv-IRES-puro, kindly provided by Dr. Finn Skou Pedersen, University of Aarhus, Denmark), into the XmaI site. pLV/PGK-Flp was generated by replacing the eGFP gene of pCCL.WPS.PGKeGFP.WHV with the Flpx9 gene [13] PCR-amplified from pCMV-Flp (obtained from A. Francis Stewart, University of California San Francisco, USA), the latter which contains the enhanced x9 Flp variant driven by a cytomegalovirus (CMV) promoter. pCMV-SB contains the SB10 transposase gene driven by a CMV promoter and has been described previously [14]. Lentiviral vector production HEK-293 and 293T cells were cultured at 37 in 5 (v/ v) CO2 and maintained in Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s medium (Cambrex, Verviers, Belgium) with D-glucose (4.500 mg/liter) supplemented with PubMed ID: 10 fetal calf serum, penicillin (100 U/ml), streptomycin (0.1 mg/ml), and Lglutamine (265 mg/liter). When selection was applied, puromycin (Sigma, St. Louis, MO) or hygromycin B (GW9662 web Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA) was added to the growth medium to a final concentration of 1 g/ml or 200 g/ml, respectively.Page 2 of(page number not for citation purposes)BMC Biotechnology 2008, 8: lentiviral vectors were produced by CaPO4-transfection of 293T cells (seeded at 3 ?106 cells/ dish in 10-cm dishes) with 3 g pRSV-Rev, 3.75 g pMD.2G (VSV-G), 13 g pMDLg/pRRE (or 13 g pMDLg/ pRREintD64V [8] for production of integration-defective vectors) and 13 g lentiviral vector plasmid. The supernatant was harvested two days post-transfection and polybrene was added to a final concentration of 8 g/ml prior to transfer to target cells.Generation and transfection of FRT-tagged cell lines FRT-tagged HEK-293-derived cell lines were generated by transfecting HEK-293 cells (seeded at 2 ?105 cells/well in 6 well plates) with 1.5 g pSBT/RSV-FGIP and 0.5 g pCMV-SB [14] (using 4 l Fugene-6; Roche, Basel, Switzerland) and selecting for puromycin resistance. Resistant clones were isolated and expanded. For evaluating the efficacy of Flp-mediated insertion of transgenes into the engineered FRT docking site, FRT-tagged cell lines (seeded at 7 ?105 cells/dish in 10-cm dishes, n = 3) were CaPO4transfected with 2 g pLV/FRT-hygro and 10 g pCMV-Flp or 10 g pUC19 (negative control). Two days after transfection the cell lines were split, diluted, and selected for 10 days with hygromycin B prior to counting of hygromycin B-resistant colonies. Quantification of viral DNA forms in transduced cells HEK/FGIP1 cells (seeded at 3 ?1.

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Author: M2 ion channel