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Within 60 days of TB treatment initiation between 2000-2010 N =Patients who
Within 60 days of TB treatment initiation between 2000-2010 N =Patients who initiated cART N =Patients who did not initiate cART N =Patients who initiated cART concomitantly with TB treatment (30 days prior or up to 180 days after TB treatment initiation) N =Patients who initiated cART 30 days prior TB treatment initiation N =Patients who initiated cART up to 180 days TB treatment initiation N =Fig. 1 Flowchart of inclusion/exclusion criteria for HIV-1/TB co-infected patients, INI-Fiocruz Cohort, 2000?efavirenz (EFV) (82.9 ; n = 257/310), followed by the combination of two NRTIs, GSK089 msds saquinavir (SQV) and RTV at full dose (6.5 ; n = 20/310) and the combination of two NRTIs and raltegravir (RAL) (5.5 ; n = 17/310).Overall, 64.2 (n = 199/310) patients had confirmed TB: 52.6 (n = 163/310) based on a positive culture and 11.6 (n = 36/310) using E-MTD? Four patients were diagnosed with multi-drug resistant-Tuberculosis (MDRTB) (2.5 of all culture confirmed cases), 5 patients had isolated isoniazid resistance (3.1 of all culture confirmed cases) and 3 patients had isolated rifampicin resistance. In total, 73.2 (n = 227/310) patients had disseminated TB, 11.3 (n = 35/310) had localized extrapulmonary TB, and 15.2 (n = 47/310) had pulmonary TB. The majority of the patients (98.1 ; n = 304/310) started a rifampin-based TB treatment regimen; 11.2 (n = 34/ 304) of the patients discontinued rifampicin before the end of TB treatment, and this was primarily due to hepatotoxicity (29.4 ; n = 10/34). The proportion of patients who had a definitive interruption of rifampin did not differ significantly from those who lived and those who died (9.8 vs 15.6 ; p = 0.471). Nearly 61.0 (n = 190/310) of the patients required at least one hospitalization within the first year of TB treatment. A total of 6.5 (n = 20/310) of the patients needed PubMed ID: mechanical ventilation; 70.0 (n = 14/20) of them deceased. MTB-IRIS was reported in 12.3 (n = 38/310) (Table 1). Overall, 12.3 (n = 38/310) of the patients had a prior TB episode. In 32.3 (n = 100/310), an AIDS-defining illness was diagnosed concomitantly with the TB diagnosis, namely Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia (13.5 ), esophageal candidiasis (5.8 ) and neurotoxoplasmosis (5.2 ). In addition, 19.4 (n = 60/310) had invasive bacterial disease concomitantly with TB (Table 2). Sixty-four patients (20.6 ) died during the study PubMed ID: period; the median age at death was 40 years (IQR: 32.0?7.0). The median time from TB diagnosis to death was 193 days (IQR: 57.0?115.0); 17.2 (n = 11/64) and 32.8 (n = 21/64) of the deaths occurred respectively during the initial 30 days and within the initial 90 days after TB treatment initiation. The overall mortality rate was 4 per 100 person-years (95 CI: 0.4?4.7). The mortality rate up to 30, from 31 to 90, from 91 to 365 and after 365 days following TB treatment initiation was 44 per 100 person-years (95 CI: 10.2?90.6), 28.1 per 100 person-year (95 CI: 7.3?12.0), 6.0 per 100 person-year (95 CI: 3.0?2.0), and 1.6 per 100 personyear (95 CI: 0.09?.7), respectively. No statistically significant difference in mortality was found between those with confirmed TB (18.2 of deaths) versus those with probable TB (25 of deaths) (p = 0,154). The probability of death within one year from the TB treatment initiation was approximately 13 . The Kaplan-Meier curve shows a higher survival rate among patients who presented with extrapulmonary TB, but no statistical difference was observed in t.

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Author: M2 ion channel