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Tion of diploid deletion mutants in comparison to wt. Cells were incubated on SLAD50 (50 mM ammonium sulphate) 69056-38-8 supplier plates at 30uC for 2 days; shown is a 2006 or 406 magnification of cells. (C) alactosidase activity expressed from Flo11-LacZ in haploid eIF4E wt and deletion mutants Dtif1, Dtif2, Dtif3, Dtif4631 and Dtif4632. Expression levels were normalized to LacZ mRNA content which was determined by quantitative RT-PCR. Though normalized LacZ values for Dtif3, Dtif4631 and Dtif4632 are in accordance with the observed haploid and diploid phenotypes, we determined low lacZ values for Dtif1 25033180 and Dtif2 which do not correlate well with their phenotype. (DOCX)eIF4E’s Role in AdhesionYeast-2-Hybrid interactions of eIF4E mutants with p20 or Tif4631 peptide (amino acids 391?91). 2Hybrid interactions were qualitatively analysed for yeast diploid cells carrying the bait and prey plasmids indicated on plates without histidine (2H) or without adenine (2A): (+++) determines strong, (++) moderate, (+) reduced, (2) no interaction. Interactions were also quantitatively determined as beta-galactosidase (LacZ) Units (duplicate determinations with standard deviation) using cell extracts obtained from diploid cell lines grown at 30uC in SD minimal medium (supplemented with final 20 mg/ml methionine, lysine, histidine, uracil and adenine). Full length p20 or Tif4631 peptide (amino acids 391?91) were cloned as EcoRI/SalI fragments into Yeast-2-Hybrid prey vector pOAD; eIF4E was cloned as EcoRI fragment into the bait vector pOBD2. To obtain eIF4E mutants, site-directed mutagenesis was performed on pOBD2-eIF4E plasmid (oligonucleotide pairs are described in Table S4). Prey and bait yeast strains pJ69-4 were transformed with respective plasmids, crossed and selected on SD minimal medium (supplemented with final 20 mg/ml methionine, lysine, histidine, uracil and adenine). (DOCX)Table STable S2 Yeast strains used in this work.(DOCX)Table S3 Plasmids used in this work.(DOCX)Table S4 Table S4. Oligonucleotides used in this work. Oligonucleotide pairs used to introduce mutations in yeast eIF4E ORF (Open Reading Frame) and used for quantitative RT-PCR. (DOCX)AcknowledgmentsThe authors thank Julika Rottger for excellent technical support. We would ?also like to thank the (anonymous) reviewers of this paper which comments have helped to 23727046 shape up the quality of this work.Author ContributionsConceived and designed the experiments: DR MS MA. Performed the experiments: DR MS. Analyzed the data: DR MS MA. Wrote the paper: MA.
Gestagens acting via the progestin receptor (PR) serve as important mediators in the regulation of the ovarian cycle, and are responsible for maintaining pregnancy in mammals [1]. In most mammals studied so far the predominant gestagen is progesterone (P4), both in terms of blood levels and binding capacity of the PR [2]. By lacking progesterone at physiologically relevant concentrations, elephants are a unique exception. Progesterone blood levels of African (Loxodonta africana) and Asian (Elephas maximus) elephants are 100 to 1000-fold lower compared to other mammals and are therefore not able to serve as 47931-85-1 web functional gestagen [3]. Furthermore, the concentration of progesterone neither changes during the ovarian cycle nor increases during pregnancy, indicating the lack of an endocrine role of progesterone in elephants [4,5]. Searching for the relevant gestagen in elephants revealed high concentrations of the 5-alpha-reduced progestins 5a-dihydroprogesterone.Tion of diploid deletion mutants in comparison to wt. Cells were incubated on SLAD50 (50 mM ammonium sulphate) plates at 30uC for 2 days; shown is a 2006 or 406 magnification of cells. (C) alactosidase activity expressed from Flo11-LacZ in haploid eIF4E wt and deletion mutants Dtif1, Dtif2, Dtif3, Dtif4631 and Dtif4632. Expression levels were normalized to LacZ mRNA content which was determined by quantitative RT-PCR. Though normalized LacZ values for Dtif3, Dtif4631 and Dtif4632 are in accordance with the observed haploid and diploid phenotypes, we determined low lacZ values for Dtif1 25033180 and Dtif2 which do not correlate well with their phenotype. (DOCX)eIF4E’s Role in AdhesionYeast-2-Hybrid interactions of eIF4E mutants with p20 or Tif4631 peptide (amino acids 391?91). 2Hybrid interactions were qualitatively analysed for yeast diploid cells carrying the bait and prey plasmids indicated on plates without histidine (2H) or without adenine (2A): (+++) determines strong, (++) moderate, (+) reduced, (2) no interaction. Interactions were also quantitatively determined as beta-galactosidase (LacZ) Units (duplicate determinations with standard deviation) using cell extracts obtained from diploid cell lines grown at 30uC in SD minimal medium (supplemented with final 20 mg/ml methionine, lysine, histidine, uracil and adenine). Full length p20 or Tif4631 peptide (amino acids 391?91) were cloned as EcoRI/SalI fragments into Yeast-2-Hybrid prey vector pOAD; eIF4E was cloned as EcoRI fragment into the bait vector pOBD2. To obtain eIF4E mutants, site-directed mutagenesis was performed on pOBD2-eIF4E plasmid (oligonucleotide pairs are described in Table S4). Prey and bait yeast strains pJ69-4 were transformed with respective plasmids, crossed and selected on SD minimal medium (supplemented with final 20 mg/ml methionine, lysine, histidine, uracil and adenine). (DOCX)Table STable S2 Yeast strains used in this work.(DOCX)Table S3 Plasmids used in this work.(DOCX)Table S4 Table S4. Oligonucleotides used in this work. Oligonucleotide pairs used to introduce mutations in yeast eIF4E ORF (Open Reading Frame) and used for quantitative RT-PCR. (DOCX)AcknowledgmentsThe authors thank Julika Rottger for excellent technical support. We would ?also like to thank the (anonymous) reviewers of this paper which comments have helped to 23727046 shape up the quality of this work.Author ContributionsConceived and designed the experiments: DR MS MA. Performed the experiments: DR MS. Analyzed the data: DR MS MA. Wrote the paper: MA.
Gestagens acting via the progestin receptor (PR) serve as important mediators in the regulation of the ovarian cycle, and are responsible for maintaining pregnancy in mammals [1]. In most mammals studied so far the predominant gestagen is progesterone (P4), both in terms of blood levels and binding capacity of the PR [2]. By lacking progesterone at physiologically relevant concentrations, elephants are a unique exception. Progesterone blood levels of African (Loxodonta africana) and Asian (Elephas maximus) elephants are 100 to 1000-fold lower compared to other mammals and are therefore not able to serve as functional gestagen [3]. Furthermore, the concentration of progesterone neither changes during the ovarian cycle nor increases during pregnancy, indicating the lack of an endocrine role of progesterone in elephants [4,5]. Searching for the relevant gestagen in elephants revealed high concentrations of the 5-alpha-reduced progestins 5a-dihydroprogesterone.

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Author: M2 ion channel