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ction and reflector mode. The laser wavelength was 337 nm, and the laser repetition rate was 3 Hz. The MALDI spectra were averaged over 1973737 200400 laser shots. MALDI generally produces the 17850214 protonated molecule ion. Plasma High-Abundance Protein Depletion Pooling plasma samples from 20 RVD patients, 20 DVD patients, and 20 healthy controls were processed to deplete the top-two high abundance proteins using the ProteoExtractTM Albumin/IgG Removal Kit. Samples were processed according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Each column was prepared by adding 600 ml of binding buffer and allowing it to pass the resin bed by gravity flow. Then, 60 ml of plasma were diluted in 540 ml of binding buffer applied to the affinity column, to accomplish the specific binding of albumin and IgG. The eluate was collected to 1200 ml of binding buffer, used to wash the column. Database Searches for Protein Identification These mass spectra were interpreted with GPS Explorer software using the MASCOT search engine for protein identification by peptide mass finger-printing. Search parameters were set as follows: precursor tolerance: 60.15 Da; missed cleavages: 1; fixed modifications: carbamidomethyl; variable modifications: oxidation. The MASCOT score from the sample with ammonium phosphate was higher than that from the sample without ammonium phosphate, thus increasing the confidence in the correct identification of the proteins. Two-dimensional Gel Electrophoresis The first-dimensional gel separation was carried out with ReadyStripTM IPG strips following the manufacturer’s protocol. About 500 mg protein of plasma for gel were diluted to 170 ml with re-hydration solution, and applied to immobilized 17 cm pH 310 nonlinear gradient strips by over-night re-hydration at 50 V. Isoelectric focusing were performed with an Ettan IPGphor II apparatus as follow steps: 0500 V, 500 V, 5003,500 V, 3,500 V, 3,500500 V for a total of 7.1 kVh. All IEF steps were carried out at 20uC. After the first-dimensional IEF, IPG gel strips were placed in an equilibration solution containing 1% DTT for 10 min with shaking at 50 rpm on an orbital shaker. The gels were then transferred to the equilibration solution containing 2.5% iodoacetamide and shaken for a further 10 min before placing them on 12% polyacrylamide gel slab. Separation in the second dimension was carried out by using Protean II electrophoresis equipment and Tris-glycine buffer containing 0.1% SDS, at a current setting of 5 mA/gel for the initial 1 h, and 10 mA/gel thereafter. The second-dimensional SDS-PAGE was developed until the bromophenol blue dye marker had reached the bottom of the gel. This process was repeated in each pooling sample for three times. Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay Human enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay kits were used to detect candidate proteins level. The methods followed the manufacturer’s instructions. Briefly, 100 ml of a Standard was dispensed into each of ten wells, and 100 ml of specimens were dispensed into other plate wells. After dispensing 50 ml of enzyme conjugate reagent into each well, the solutions were gently mixed for 15 s. The plate was then incubated at 37uC for 30 min. After removal of the mixture from the incubator, the microtiter wells were rinsed with deionized water and emptied five times. The wells were sharply stricken onto absorbent paper to GFT505 web remove residual water droplets. Subsequently, 50 ml of color A and color B reagent was respectively added to each well, and the so

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Author: M2 ion channel